

HA!  You thought I was going to be the sassy one...  Think again, it's my roommates.  @creativeone told me she would only follow my blog if I wrote in tweet form, and the title of each blog had to have a #.  @chillhipster wanted me to stop working on my blog to help her create one as well.  The sass was flying in the room last night.  Props to my friend @crazycoffeenerd, who knew being sassy was a sophisticated art?!  

I hope to keep this blog updated with stories of travels, lessons learned, strong women in history, but most of all, SASS!  If you ever have any questions, concerns, or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me... although I may give you sass in your reply email.  

Stay sassy, world, stay sassy.


  1. Apparently I need to catch up with my future roommates!

    Once this week of hell passes, we need to have a bonding night so I can show you true sass.


    1. Ahhhh @dynamicduo please come visit us sometime. We miss your face, well I do at least. Those other two hooligans are too busy with studying and catching up on Gossip Girl to care. #heartyou
